Newsletter (1.30) stories include:
- EOs, OMB directive, and its rescission lead to federal transportation funding uncertainty
- Duffy confirmed as next USDOT secretary
- TDA Fly-in April 2, 3: book travel now, register
- Wisconsin’s first federally funded EV charging open
- Rep. Wied to join House T&I Committee, replacing Rep. Van Orden
- Biden administration releases its final federal discretionary grants
- A New Year’s transportation resolution
- TDA On The Go podcast: Jerry Deschane
- January project spotlights
- Wisconsin transportation reception a success
Newsletter (1.30) stories include:
- EOs, OMB directive, and its rescission lead to federal transportation funding uncertainty
- Duffy confirmed as next USDOT secretary
- TDA Fly-in April 2, 3: book travel now, register
- Wisconsin’s first federally funded EV charging open
- Rep. Wied to join House T&I Committee, replacing Rep. Van Orden
- Biden administration releases its final federal discretionary grants
- A New Year’s transportation resolution
- TDA On The Go podcast: Jerry Deschane
- January project spotlights
- Wisconsin transportation reception a success
Newsletter (12.20) stories include:
- TPC advances two projects, including I-39/90/94;
- Report points out ongoing transportation funding challenges;
- Legislative leaders announce committee assignments, JFC takes shape;
- Congress races to pass CR to avoid government shutdown;
- TDA December Project Spotlight;
- Save the date: TDA Fly-in April 2-3;
- KL Engineering founder and CEO retires; and
- Wisconsin Transportation Reception at TRB
Newsletter (12.3) stories include:
- Sean Duffy tapped for US DOT Secretary;
- Number of new state legislators the highest in more than a decade;
- DOA report sets the stage for the next budget;
- Transportation Projects Commission to meet next week;
- Government funding tops congressional year-end to-do list;
- Wisconsin federal discretionary grants;
- U.S. voters approve $41 billion in state and local transportation investment;
- December project spotlights;
- TDA events;
- In memoriam: Jerry Derr; and
- Transportation reception at TRB, sponsorship opportunities
Newsletter (10.31) stories include:
- TDA annual meeting charts the course;
- TDA presents Craig Thompson with Transportation Service Award;
- New WisDOT deputy secretary appointed;
- Borealis line reaches 100,000 riders in first five months;
- Wisconsin receives discretionary grants;
- New TRIP report finds rural roads have significant deficiencies;
- TDA wraps Transportation Roundtables;
- TDA out and about;
- Jerry Deschane TDA’s 2024-2025 president;
- TDA welcomes new member;
- WAPA announces two student scholarships for 2024; and
- Transportation reception at TRB, sponsorship opportunities
Newsletter (9.5) stories include:
- Register today for the TDA Annual Meeting: Charting the Course;
- Reception honoring Secretary Thompson;
- RSVP for October Transportation Roundtables;
- Boardman appointed next WisDOT Secretary, Thompson moves to UW-Madison role;
- Zoo North Leg project receives regional award;
- Madison BRT to kick off in September;
- August redistribution hits almost $9 billion;
- Two WI communities awarded federal discretionary EV Grants;
- USDOT releases national deployment plan for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies;
- ARTBA releases annual bridge report;
- TDA On The Go Podcast: Secretary Thompson; and
- September project Spotlights
Newsletter (8.14) stories include:
- TDA launches Spotlight;
- $174M in state funding for local road improvements announced;
- $200M in federal funding allocated to critical projects across the state;
- $50M ARIP funding awarded for road projects to support Wisconsin’s agricultural industry;
- Senate advances FY 25 appropriations bill, Congress adjourns;
- House, Senate pass WRDA 2024;
- Traffic fatalities down in ’23; up over the past decade;
- TDA Out and About;
- Look who’s hanging out with Sec. Buttigieg; and
- Port of Green Bay recognized for tonnage shipped in 2023
Newsletter (7.11) stories include:
- Borealis ridership exceeds 18,500 in first month;
- WisDOT, FHWA release I-39/90/94 draft EIS;
- Appleton raises wheel tax;
- Federal discretionary grant awards;
- House advances $108 billion in FY 2025 USDOT appropriations;
- Pedestrian traffic deaths fall for the first time since the pandemic;
- USDOT, NHTSA announce new fuel economy standards for model years 2027-2031;
- TDA Out and About;
- TDA Podcast: TDA President Jason Culotta;
- TDA joins partners to spark community engagement;
- In memoriam: Bill Kennedy; and
- Kevin McMullen to retire
Newsletter (6.6) stories include:
- Candidate deadline sets the stage for November elections;
- Putting transportation in the spotlight;
- WisDOT announces EV grants;
- ARIP applications greatly exceed available funding;
- TDA & partners form I-39/90/94 Project Coalition;
- Biden Signs FAA Reauthorization Into Law;
- TDA Out and About; and
- TDA podcast: It’s Electric!
Newsletter (5.6) stories include:
- National Work Zone Awareness Week, vital reminder as construction season ramps up;
- New work zone safety driver’s education program launched;
- Amtrak introduces expanded service between Twin Cities and Chicago via Milwaukee;
- Agreement reached on FAA reauthorization bill;
- Federal discretionary grant awards;
- May is National Bike Month; and
- TDA Out and About
Newsletter (4.3) stories include:
- Thanks to TDA Fly-in participants;
- A special thank you to 2024 Fly-in sponsors;
- Mike Koles testifies before House T&I committee;
- Governor signs two EV charging bills;
- Wisconsin joins Allies in Action;
- FY 2024 appropriates finally a wrap;
- Federal discretionary grant awards;
- Baltimore bridge collapse, investigation ongoing;
- TDA Podcast: Abe Weber from Appleton International Airport; and
- TDA welcomes new member
Newsletter (3.1) stories include:
- AASHTO presidential profile on Secretary Thompson;
- Assembly passes EV bills, one returns to Senate for final passage;
- ARIP grant applications now available;
- Harbor Assistance Program grants awarded;
- Court of Appeals overturns Pewaukee TUF;
- Shutdown averted, continuing resolution #4;
- Senate committee approves FAA reauthorization bill, FAA extension in progress;
- Federal discretionary grant awards;
- Miles driven reaches record high in 2023; exceeds pre-pandemic levels;
- TDA podcasts: new maps and passenger rail; and
- 2024 sponsorship opportunities
Newsletter (1.25) stories include
- TDA Fly-in March 20-21: book travel, register;
- WI and MN to receive $1 billion-plus federal grant to replace Blatnik Bridge;
- WisDOT’s new interactive map details federal grants;
- State Senate passes pair of EV bills;
- WisDOT announces WEVI RFP;
- WisDOT and locals present local bridge and culvert inventory and assessment webinar;
- FY 2024 Continuing Resolution #3;
- TDA Podcast: WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson;
- TDA membership renewals emailed in January;
- 2024 sponsorship opportunities;
- Congratulations to Kevin McMullen of the Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association; and
- Wisconsin transportation reception draws record crowds
Newsletter (12.18) stories include
- TDA Fly-in March 20-21, book travel now;
- TPC advances two project studies;
- Wisconsin receives five grants to study passenger rail;
- More communities receive SS4A grants;
- House passes FAA extension, on hold in Senate;
- Congress still must clear twelve FY 24 appropriations bills next year;
- Appropriations bills next year;
- TDA podcast marks a milestone – #50;
- New TDA membership software: create your account; and
- Wisconsin transportation reception at TRB
Newsletter (11.30) stories include
- TDA Annual Meeting celebrated industry innovation;
- Thompson elected AASHTO President;
- Madison awarded $110 million for E-W BRT;
- Other federal discretionary grant awards;
- Federal shutdown averted with another CR;
- TDA Podcast: A Conversation with WCHA’s Patrick Vander Sanden;
- Jason Culotta TDA’s 2023-2024 president;
- Dan Fedderly received TDA award;
- TDA welcomes new member; and
- Upcoming transportation reception at TRB, sponsorship opportunities
Newsletter (10.31) stories include
- Don’t miss: TDA Annual Meeting Nov. 15;
- Blatnik Bridge update;
- Deal reached to end strike that shut down Great Lakes shipping artery;
- Trucking’s annual congestion costs exceed $94 billion;
- New House Speaker elected, deadline looms;
- Senate confirms Biden’s nominee to lead the FAA;
- WCHA regional meetings; and
- Upcoming transportation reception at TRB, sponsorship opportunities
Newsletter (9.29) stories include:
- Don’t miss: TDA Annual Meeting Nov. 15;
- Government shutdown looking more likely;
- TDA out and about; and
- Industry updates
Newsletter (8.16) stories include:
- Agricultural maritime export facility opens at Port Milwaukee;
- Wisconsin Department of Transportation announces new deputy secretary;
- WisDOT releases freight and rail plans;
- Senate FY 2024 spending plan billions more than House;
- House passes FAA reauthorization;
- Transportation inflation ebbs, impact ongoing;
- New TDA podcasts: 2023-25 state budget and Wisconsin aviation; and
- Training for public works officials
Newsletter (7.6) stories include:
- Governor signs 2023-25 budget, 51 partial vetoes;
- State Supreme Court strikes down the Town of Buchanan’s transportation utility fee;
- Recently announced Wisconsin IIJA grants;
- Traffic fatalities down in first quarter; and
- Training for public works officials
Newsletter (6.2) stories include:
- TDA Drive-in Returns;
- JFC to consider transportation next week;
- Debt deal affects some transportation funding;
- Milwaukee BRT set to launch in June;
- WisDOT releases Rail Plan 2050;
- MN governor signs transportation bill, $1 billion-plus in new revenue in next biennium;
- Indiana budget extends gas tax indexing for three years, establishes task force;
- New TDA podcasts: TDA Drive-in attendees, the Farm Bureau and ARIP;
- TDA welcomes new member;
- New episode of building Wisconsin highlights transportation infrastructure;
- Wisconsin Bike Week ready to roll; and
- MAASTO Annual Meeting registration open
Newsletter (4.17) stories include:
- Sign up for the Drive-in today;
- Farm Bureau and others push for investment to support ag in Wisconsin;
- EPA proposes new tougher car emission rules, potentially driving EV sales;
- It is National Work Zone Awareness Week;
- Annual Construction Workers’ Memorial Service;
- Georgia EV charging user fee heads to governor;
- Next round of Safe Streets and Roads for All funding opportunity announced;
- Recently announced Wisconin IIJA grants;
- TDA podcast: Rob Krejci on federal infrastructure law grants, collaboration;
- Schwerman names WAPA executive director;
- Work zone safety and flagger training; and
- MAASTO Annuual Meeting registration open
Newsletter (3.17) stories include:
- TDA Fly-in returns;
- Rep Van Orden leads a behind-the-scenes Capitol tour;
- Thank you Fly-in sponsors;
- JFC schedules budget hearings;
- WisDOT launches online federal discretionary grant resources;
- Recently announced Wisconsin IIJA grants;
- FHWA issues new IIJA guidance memo;
- TDA podcast: budget season is underway;
- Thanks 2023 organizational sponsors;
- TDA 2023 event dates; and
- MAASTO Annual Meeting registration open
Newsletter (2.3) stories include:
- The state of Wisconsin transportation;
- Rep. Van Orden to serve on House T&I Committee;
- Still time to register for the Fly-in;
- Northern Grain Belt Ports federally approved;
- 2023 sponsorship opportunities remain;
- TDA announces 2023 event dates;
- WCHA Executive Director: thank you and welcome;
- Register today for the CBG Conference;
- MAASTO Annual Meeting registration open; and
- Upcoming events
Newsletter (1.09) stories include:
- New developments as new year dawns, familiar challenges remain;
- Fly-in returns in 2023, registration open;
- Thompson elected AASHTO VP;
- Biden signs FY 2023 Omnibus Spending Bill;
- FHWA memo open to Congressional review;
- Blatnik Bridge not selected in first round of Large Bridge Project Grants;
- I-94 East-West comment period extended through January 31;
- Inflation squeezes transportation budgets;
- Thanks again, 2022 organizational sponsors;
- RSVP today for CBG’s Winter Conference;
- MAASTO Annual Meeting registration open;
- KL Engineering announcement; and
- Upcoming industry events
Newsletter (12.5) stories include:
- Fly-in returns in 2023, registration is open;
- I-94 East-West Study clears FHWA review;
- Governor Evers headlines TDA Annual Meeting;
- TDA wraps Regional Transportation Roundtables;
- WisDOT’s updated BIL webpages;
- Tindall-Schlicht new administrator of GLS;
- Port of Green Bay receives $10.1M grant;
- Two TDA podcasts: recap of TDA’s Regional Transportation Roundtables and return of the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train;
- Tracy Johnson TDA’s 2022-2023 President; and
- Transportation reception at TRB returns
Newsletter (10.28) stories include:
- Register today for TDA’s Annual Meeting;
- TDA’s Fly-in returns in 2023;
- Madison’s Beltline’s Flex Lane cut travel times;
- Next Round of local BIL projects announced, 15% of applications funded;
- New report highlights $180 billion in needed rural road repairs;
- TDA podcast: promoting the Mississippi River & the Northern Grain Belt Port Statistical Area; and
- Transportation reception at TRB returns
Newsletter (10.5) stories include:
- RSVP for upcoming Transportation Rountables;
- Registration now open for Annual Meeting;
- TDA’s Fly-in returns in 2023;
- $80M awarded to state to replace I-39/90/94 bridge over Wisconsin River;
- Congress passes CR through Dec. 16;
- TDA Podcast: Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin;
- Southeast Wisconsin Transportation Symposium; and
- WAPA Wednesday webinar series
Newsletter (8.30) stories include:
- Report recommends mileage-based user fees;
- Wisconsin and Minnesota seek federal funds to replace Blatnik Bridge;
- USDOT announces RAISE, bus grants;
- New Northern Grain Belt Statistical Port project underway;
- Wisconsin joins other Midwest states in EV-friendly scenic lakeshore route;
- Nationwide car fatalities hit high in first quarter 2022; and
- TDA podcast: The Coolest Things Made in Wisconsin contest
Newsletter (8.05) stories include:
- Federal news roundup;
- WisDOT shares EV infrastructure plan;
- Next round of IIJA local projects announced;
- Madison Beltline Flex Lane a Wisconsin first;
- WisDOT I-41 project involvement meetings;
- Training for public works professionals; and
- TDA podcast: the Aviation Careers Education program is back!
Newsletter (6.23) stories include:
- President Biden proposes gas tax holiday;
- Tell Congress a gas tax holiday is a bad idea;
- WisDOT hosts public EV webinars;
- First round of IIJA local projects announced;
- WisDOT holds public I-94 E-W meetings;
- Tindall-Schlicht appointed to Maritime Transportation System National Advisory Committee;
- Record road-tripping July 4th weekend expected; and
- TDA podcast: AAA on summer travel and traffic safety
Newsletter (5.20) stories include:
- Memorial Day weekend travel to heat up;
- JFC approves federal plan, local projects to be announced soon;
- Thanks to TDA webinar participants, speakers, and sponsors;
- $1 billion available for safe streets and roads for all grant program;
- WisDOT announces stadium freeway study;
- Port of Green Bay seeks USDOT PIDP grant; and
- TDA podcast: our neighbor Minnesota
Newsletter (4.29) stories include:
- April 28 infrastructure law webinar
Newsletter (4.5) stories include:
- Executive director perspective: Your TDA;
- Elected officials look to tackle high gas prices;
- Study shows limited impact of gas tax changes at the pump;
- Biden signs long-awaited FY 2022 omnibus appropriations bill;
- TRIP report highlights need for IIJA funding, next steps;
- Grants, grants, grants;
- TDA podcast: Wisconsin ports and the IIJA; and
- TDA blog on proposed gas tax holiday
Newsletter (3.4) stories include:
- Executive director perspective: Election-year gimmick could jeopardize infrastructure;
- Congress passes funding extension;
- Biden Administration releases BIL guidebook;
- DOT & Energy release rules for electric vehicle charging program;
- $1 billion airport terminal funding available; and
- GAO issues report on road user charges
- Executive director perspective: Not playing the zero-sum game;
- Coalition urges Congress to wrap FY 2022 appropriations;
- Treasury broadens COVID relief uses;
- Port and waterway projects receive boost from infrastructure law; and
- TDA Blog on making the most of federal money
- FHWA releases federal-aid highway apportionments;
- FAA announces first-year BIL funding;
- Federal Transit Administration webinar Jan. 7;
- USDOT bill resources;
- TPC meets, revives La Crosse Corridor Project; and
- I-94 East-West public involvement meetings
- TDA Annual Meeting a celebration, look forward;
- President Biden signs IIJA, Congress passes stopgap bill to avoid government shutdown;
- I-94 East-West public involvement meeting; and
- Chris Klein TDA’s 2021-2022 president
- TDA Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at the Monona Terrace in Madison;
- Tell the House It’s Time to Pass the IIJA; and
- Wisconsin Part of Midwest Coalition to Accelerate Vehicle Electrification
- Vote on infrastructure bill delayed, Biden signs one-month extension of surface programs;
- TDA Annual Meeting, celebrating a milestone;
- Thompson confirmed as transportation secretary;
- I-94 North-South Project recognized nationally; and
- Latest TDA Podcast focused on railroad safety
- House to vote on infrastructure bill by Sept. 27;
- Biden calls for half of new vehicles to be electric by 2030;
- Steve Baas named WTBA executive director;
- 2021 Regional Transit Leadership Council fall symposium;
- Southeast Wisconsin transportation symposium; and
- TDA Podcast: Connecting workers to jobs
- Senate advances bipartisan infrastructure deal;
- WisDOT seeks public input on I-41 project;
- Colorado and Missouri raise gas tax for the first time since the 1990s;
- Southeast Wisconsin transportation symposium;
- Transportation information center workshop; and
- TDA Podcast: Tourists make up for lost time
- Legislature passes state budget, now to the governor;
- Legislature passes personal property tax repeal, shores up transportation fund;
- Bipartisan federal infrastructure agreement reached, work remains;
- Other federal transportation news;
- TRIP report documents needs of aging interstate system;
- Millions of Americans to travel July 4th holiday weekend; and
- TDA Podcast: EAA AirVenture is back
- Senate Republicans release $928 billion infrastructure counteroffer;
- Treasury issues final interim rule for use of ARP funds;
- Freight bottlenecks cost the economy big bucks;
- Memorial Day weekend travel to rebound;
- Domestic leisure travel propels U.S. airport traffic; and
- TDA Podcast: In recognition of national bike month, episode explores bike share
- Biden introduces infrastructure plan;
- Senate republican counteroffer;
- TDA Fly-in top five takeaways;
- Senate hearing on highway trust fund solvency;
- Local voters overwhelming support modernizing, adding capacity to I-94 East-West; and
- Other I-94 East-West news
- Federal COVID relief funding advances 42 highway projects;
- Wisconsin makes progress on deficient bridges;
- Public comment sought on TCMC intercity passenger rail project;
- Two TDA podcasts: Meet TDA’s president, and women in trucking; and
- Jackson Blog: Life (and transportation) beyond the pandemic
- Governor Evers’ 2021-23 budget address;
- News around the state from TDA’s About TIME publication;
- Two budget-related podcasts: I-94 E-W and the Governor’s budget proposal, next steps; and
- Wisconsin’s ASCE and League of Women Voters highlight infrastructure
- TDA at 50 – the groovy origins;
- COVID relief funds offset some state transportation revenue losses;
- President Biden’s rescue and recovery plans;
- U.S. Chamber moves infrastructure and transportation agenda front and center; and
- Landmark achievement: positive train control operational
- Congress passes COVID relief, FY 2021 appropriations, WRDA;
- Pete Buttigieg nominated to be USDOT Secretary;
- TPC advances two projects, I-39/90/94 Madison to the Dells study restart;
- Business leaders support I-94 East-West modernization plan; and
- CN to open new intermodal terminal in Wisconsin
- WisDOT submits budget request;
- Transportation Project Commission scheduled to meet;
- Voters approve 94% of transportation investment ballot measures;
- FCC releases ruling on 5.9 GHz band usage; and
- Mark O’Connell TDA’s 2020-2021 president
- TDA 2020 virtual Annual Meeting;
- Stretch of I-94 designated alternative fuel corridor;
- Connect 2050 offers virtual open house;
- Governor Walz (MN) signs $1.9B infrastructure bonding bill; and
- On The Go Podcast: Winneconne’s Boucher discusses community’s new award-winning bridge
- TDA 2020 virtual Annual Meeting
- Senate on deadline to extend surface transportation programs, government funding
- ASCE releases Wis. infrastructure report card
- Wisconsin plans for self-driving cars
- Milwaukee BRT project moves forward
- I-94 East-West project to move forward
- WisDOT seeks public input on multimodal transportation plan
- House passes transportation spending bill
- House advances WRDA 2020 bill
- New TDA website live
- On The Go Podcast: Biking soars during pandemic
- House to take up surface transportation as part of a larger infrastructure package
- Summer travel plan predictions: AAA expects car travel to remain strong
- I-94 North-South project wraps
- Only a fraction of a gas tax increase is passed on at the pump
- On The Go Podcast: Traffic changes during COVID-19
- WisDOT talks COVID-19, revenue impacts
- Jim Peterson receives ARTBA honor
- On The Go Podcasts: Transportation during COVID-19
- House passes another round of economic relief legislation
- Rural transportation network backlog
- Traffic at historically low levels during COVID-19 outbreak, revenue drops
- More than 20 organization sign on to Wisconsin delegation letter
- Congress passes $480 billion COVID-19 relief package
- Wisconsin receives CARES Act funds
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast episode: The role of essential workers and the importance of transportation during national emergency
- Wisconsin construction projects to continue with new safety precautions
- WisDOT responding to COVID-19
- Congress passes $2 trillion stimulus bill
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast episode: Construction industry helps to protect frontline health care providers, featuring Pat Goss
- The condition of Wisconsin rural roads becomes national news
- TDA launches new publication: About TIME newsletter
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast episode: Golf and Wisconsin’s economy, featuring Gary D’Amato
- Michigan to borrow $3.5B for roads
- Trump administration releases FY 2021 budget request
- House democrats & GOP put forward infrastructure priorities
- $75 million Multimodal Local Supplement Program, $1.47 billion in reported needs
- Trump administration announces streamlining of environmental approval process
- ACEC/ WisDOT 2020 Transportation Improvement Conference and other upcoming events
- Holiday travel numbers
Transportation Projects Commission meets after 5-year hiatus
- Congress passes FY2020 funding bills, $4 billion in supplemental transportation funding
- Connecticut lawmakers delay vote on transportation plan
- TDA Annual Meeting recap: It’s About Time
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcasts look at (1) the state’s Christmas tree industry and (2) National Apprenticeship Week November 11 – 17
- TDA’s column: making the connection with new bus service to Sun Prairie
- December 6 deadline for $75 million local transportation grant program
- Almost 90% of transportation measures pass
- President signs continuing resolution, repeals $7.6 billion rescission
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast looks at the importance of transportation in agri-business success
- TDA’s column: In Wisconsin, taking the road less traveled is worth it
- Michigan road funding at a standstill
- National freight report highlights growing capacity challenges
- TDA Annual Meeting November 7
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast looks at the link between infrastructure and commercial real estate
- WisDOT announces criteria for $75 million multimodal grant program
- Transportation commissioner talks gas tax, debt service fee
- Share your support as the U.S. Senate Committee takes the first step with highway reauthorization
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcast looks at launch of new low-risk bridge pilot program
- Wisconsin ports boost the economy
- Two Wisconsin transportation projects win MAASTO awards, zoo interchange project selected as “Top 12” project
- Executive Director Debby Jackson pens op-ed for the Kenosha Daily News
- Aviation industry boosts Wisconsin’s economy
- WisDOT final intermodal report available
- EPW releases highway reauthorization proposal
- Wisconsin laborers open expanded training center
- Turnout for Transportation Capitol Edition well-timed to deliver Just Fix It message
- A special thank you to Turnout for Transportation sponsors
- TDA’s Column: Does the legislature have a sustainable plan for transportation?
- WisDOT announces hundreds of highway projects at risk
- Turnout for Transportation Capitol Edition
- Thank you to 2019 Fly-in participants and sponsors
- TDA’s latest “On the Go” podcasts
- Wisconsin State Journal editorial: Don’t Stall Fix to Wisconsin’s Crumbling Roads
- Transportation and Innovation Expo and other upcoming events
- TDA’s Column: Pay now or pay more later
- TDA’s “On the Go” Podcast looks at governor’s budget proposal
- Journal Times editorial: Find a road to agreement
- Politifact rating of statement about Wisconsin road conditions
- Case study: The Problem is Defined, the Options are Known
- TDA’s column: To gauge the public’s appetite for transportation fix, ask about costs AND benefits
- TDA launches new podcast titled “On the Go”
- Chris Klein column: Motorists understand the need for more road money
- TDA Fly-in information
- Secretary Thompson on UPFRONT with Mike Gousha
- Midwest states facing transportation funding choice
- Good press from states that passed gas tax increases in prior years
- TDA Fly-in information and other upcoming events
- TDA statement on Thompson appointment
- Thompson farewell message to TDA members
- TDA’s Wisconsin 12 Days of Christmas
- TDA Fly-in information
- TDA Annual Meeting
- Voters once again show support for transportation investment
- More than 54 million Americans to travel this Thanksgiving
- Senate passes ballast water measure
- Allison Bussler TDA’s 2018-2019 president
- TRIP Report: Wisconsin motorists lose $6.8 billion per year driving on rough, congested and outdated roads
- Fall forums
- New case studies
- FAA reauthorization, waiting for president’s signature
- News coverage
- August case studies
- 96% of state lawmakers who voted for gas tax increase win ’18 primaries
- Fall forums
- Majority of Wisconsin voters say roads in fair or poor condition
- Eau Claire County enacts $30 wheel tax
- Wisconsin’s roads: Failing to plan costs us more than money, it costs us time
- Great Lakes shipping supports 237,000 jobs
- Rough Road Tour continues in Eau Claire and Marathon counties
- TDA case study: Spending problem or revenue problem?
- AAA predicts new Independence Day holiday travel record
- Other JFI media coverage
- 2018 Fly-in to DC recap and thanks to sponsors
- La Crosse County Rough Road Tour
- Detour: Wisconsin farmers cope with new bridge restrictions
- Other JFI media coverage
- Policy Forum releases report on wheel tax, generates news coverage around state
- 2018 Fly-in to DC
- Just Fix It update
- Association notes
- 2018 Fly-in to DC
- Thompson: Wisconsin’s roads crumble while difficult decisions are delayed
- Congress passes 2018 Omnibus bill
- New TRIP report highlights high rate of fatal crashes involving elderly
- INFRA grants to be announced in June, hopefully
- 2017 traffic at record levels in US, Wisconsin
- 2018 Fly-in to DC
- Recent media coverage
- Tolling in the news
- Madison Metro struggles to make capital replacements and plan for future, funding the issue
- New gas tax to raise nearly $150 million in 2018 to Fix SC’s crumbling roads
- Congress reaches two-year budget deal
- Trump infrastructure investment plan released
- AEM Poll: 81% want Congress to pass infrastructure bill in 2018
- 2018 Fly-in to DC
- Recent media coverage
- Possible outline of Trump infrastructure package surfaces
- Recent media coverage
- Fiscal Bureau: Foxconn roads could draw $134 million from other state highway projects
- Record-breaking 107 million Americans to celebrate holidays away from home
- Local governments are stepping up to address crumbling roads
- Recent media coverage
- Iowa, Nebraska road projects see boost from gas tax increase
- Voters overwhelmingly support transportation investment
- Congress’s 12 days of Christmas
- Trucking industry says gas tax increase is the only way to pay for infrastructure
- TDA’s Craig Thompson Column: Wisconsinites deserve better roads
- Recent media coverage
- Support improvement of Highway 23 Corridor
- State and local officials are asked to complete survey on highway maintenance workforce issues
- Tom Bressner TDA’s 2017-2018 President
- Thank you for your support
- Recent media coverage
- Annual Meeting recap
- TDA Annual Meeting
- Recent media coverage
- New national poll shows overwhelming support for infrastructure spending
- Congress will likely need more time to finish appropriations process
- A conservative case for a gas tax hike by Dave Prosser
- Recent media coverage
- Oregon legislature passes $5.3 billion transportation funding bill
- With funding in place, Indiana kicks off 20-year transportation plan
- And South Carolina launches 10-year plan to rebuild the state’s highway system
- TDA Poll: Wisconsinites overwhelmingly oppose delaying critical interstate projects in Milwaukee
- TDA factsheets highlight significant issues
- Recent media coverage
- Over 250 House members sign letter seeking long-term fix to Highway Trust Fund
- West Virginia Legislature passes $135 million annual transportation funding bill
- May 10th Capitol day
- TDA Just Fix It factsheet: how Wisconsin’s transportation funding challenge affects more than just roads
- Recent media coverage
- 2018 Trump budget and infrastructure plan
- South Carolina fifth state to raise gas tax this year
- May 10th Capitol day
- TDA Just Fix It factsheet highlights states that have stepped up to fund transportation
- Recent media coverage
- Business coalition: I-94 East-West a vital economic connection
- Trump tax plan silent on transportation funding
- Poor road conditions, less funding proposed
- Recent media coverage
- States continue to look for ways to fund transportation
- U.S. infrastructure rated a D+
- Trump’s budget cuts transportation by 13 percent
- April 24th economic forum in Milwaukee
- May 10th Capitol day
- TDA issues audit fact sheet
- Recent media coverage
- $2 billion needed to repair Wisconsin bridges
- Indiana House Republicans pass gas tax increase
- Us traffic continues to grow, sets new record
- Trump infrastructure plan likely to take a backseat until 2018
- WisDOT audit won’t close $1 billion funding gap
- Good news on revenue front, framework for possible deal
- Recent media coverage
- Tennessee’s Republican governor seeks gas tax hike as part of plan to build economy
- Indiana: Transportation a top budget issue, $1.2 billion plan proposed
- Report identifies almost $1 trillion in needed transportation investment
- Transportation hearing highlights the high cost of doing nothing
- Just Fix It update
- Holiday travel to reach highest level on record according to AAA
- Federal continuing resolution keeps funds flowing through April 28th
- Congress passes water bill
- Transportation hearing
- Trump nominates former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao to be Transportation Secretary
- Dave Brose TDA’s 2016-2017 President
- Just Fix It update
- TDA November 15th Annual Meeting
- Just Fix It coverage and news
- New Jersey 17th state to increase revenue since 2013
- Congress passed continuing resolution, extends federal funding
- Just Fix It coverage and news
- Just Fix It coverage and news
- Just Fix It coverage and news
- A transportation fact check
- Governor Walker to WisDOT: Minimize Southeast Wisconsin projects
- Just Fix It coverage and news
- Interstate at 60 showing its age
- Lawmakers near deal on FAA reauthorization as deadline looms
- AAA projects record-breaking July 4th travel
- Just Fix It meeting coverage
- Sheboygan County floats plan to implement .5% sales tax for roads
- Senate approves FAA reauthorization bill
- FASTLANE grant requests greatly exceed funds available
- Just Fix It update
- TDA regional meetings
- Interstate 94 east-west opponents file petitions against expansion
- Legislators call citizens to action on Highway 23
- Proposal for new railroad line around Chicago
- Just Fix It update
- In Business Blog: Common sense prevails
- FAA authorization likely extended four months
- The cost of congestion
- Coalition working to connect Chippewa Valley via rail