Thanks for participating in this year’s Fly-in. Here, you will find the information you need for next week’s event.

To view the documents, click the links below:

TDA will provide each attendee with a copy of the agenda and the issue paper.  You may print the other documents or view them on the web.

Here is a brief breakdown of our schedule:

Wednesday, March 1:

2 – 3:30 pm – Briefing Session on Capitol Hill (Russell Senate Office Building: SR-188)

4:00 pm – Office visits with Representatives Steil and Van Orden

6:30 – 9:00 pm – Reception and Dinner at the Hamilton, 600 14th St NW
Secretary Thompson to address the group at the reception. 

Thursday, March 2:

8:30 – 10:00 am – Wisconsin Policy Breakfast on Capitol Hill (SR-385)

10:30 am – 12:30 pm – Office visits with the remaining delegation accepting in-person office visits.

Some important items to keep in mind as you prepare for the trip:

  • TDA is holding the entire Fly-in on the Hill. Please allow enough time to clear security.
  • The first meeting will be held in the Russell Senate Office Building in room SR-188.
  • We recommend you double-check all your travel arrangements and confirm your flights 24 hours before departure.
  • Attendees are responsible for their ground transportation while in Washington, DC. Some events are within walking distance. You may also share a cab, take the bus, or ride the Metro.
  • Please check with your hotel regarding check-in and check-out times. Depending on your travel plans, you may need to store your luggage with bell services before check-in or after check-out.

For questions or concerns, please contact TDA:

Office: (608) 256-7044
Debby Jackson:
Luke Pearson: